Furthering the country’s pursuit to develop sports betting integrity, a specifically delegated group of Brazilian politicians and football executives will travel to Spain, with the aim of researching its sports betting legislative framework.
The visit, led by president of Brazil’s chamber of duties Rodrigo Maia, and Reinaldo Carneiro Bastos, São Paulo Football Federation’s president, will see the Brazilian executives research Spanish football’s betting integrity dynamics and athlete protection measures in order to strengthen the country’s own safeguards.
SECAP, the agency charged with the regulatory development of Brazilian sports betting, launched a further consultation earlier this month which sought to assess licensing frameworks. The findings of the consultation may result in Brazil adopting a ‘fixed concessions model’, thus limiting the number of available licences.
The most recent consultation was launched following an intervention by Brazil’s National Treasury which demanded that draft licensing models were reassessed. The aim of the review is to provide the government with a better oversight of licensed betting operators and the firm’s activities.
Following the publication of SECAP’s initial ‘draft decree’ on sports betting, figureheads of Brazilian sports urged the PSL government to form a ’sports anti-corruption’ unit, which focused upon the development of safeguards against match-fixing.
Reviewing SECAP’s market proposals, international sports betting integrity body the IBIA underlined that the country’s current integrity frameworks were significantly insufficient should Brazil move to regulate its sports betting sector.
Furthermore, Brazil’s chamber of duties has communicated that the executives will seek to learn of further betting-related funding models for Brazilian football’s development.